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Tucker Executive Horizontal Shoulder Holster


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Executive Shoulder Holster - Horizontal - Front

Phone 7800-919-7923

Horizontal Shoulder Holster. $150

No Weapon Lights for Shoulder Holsters*

Lead time is 4 months to ship.*  ($25 Upcharge for revolvers over 4” barrel.)

This new Tucker holster is a one-sided* rig that is easy on and easy off with horizontal leather holster. The holster is hand-molded Hermann Oak Leather.

No magazine pouches of speedloader pouches on this setup. It’s “grab and go.” 

This holster can be worn without a belt.* No Belt Required.** 

This holster can be worn UNDER a shirt or a blouse.*

It's extremely comfortable no matter how your wear it.

Colors available: Black or Brown

A "Right Handed" holster will be placed on your Left Side.


 NOTE: All Holsters are Stamped "Tucker & Byrd" - our production partner*


Phone 7800-919-7923

Horizontal Shoulder Holster. $150

No Weapon Lights for Shoulder Holsters*

Lead time is 4 months to ship.*  ($25 Upcharge for revolvers over 4” barrel.)

This new Tucker holster is a one-sided* rig that is easy on and easy off with horizontal leather holster. The holster is hand-molded Hermann Oak Leather.

No magazine pouches of speedloader pouches on this setup. It’s “grab and go.” 

This holster can be worn without a belt.* No Belt Required.** 

This holster can be worn UNDER a shirt or a blouse.*

It's extremely comfortable no matter how your wear it.

Colors available: Black or Brown

A "Right Handed" holster will be placed on your Left Side.


 NOTE: All Holsters are Stamped "Tucker & Byrd" - our production partner*