You can count on us to respond to phone calls and emails within 24 hours. Most of the time, you'll hear back from us right away. If you haven't heard back promptly please call back. Sometimes we receive phone messages from cell phones that are too garbled to understand.
We have three payment methods you'll see at checkout.
We honor our Lifetime Guarantee as written, but we expect that you will be honorable as well in your dealings with us.
You can expect us to listen to complaints and suggestions as contributions to improving our business. We will honor your point of view even when we have a point of view of our own.
Help us help you. Check in if you have a question or concern. If we seem to be running late on a promise, we would appreciate a call from you. Ask for what you want. We'll do it if it's in our power to do so.
We have three payment methods you'll see at checkout.
We honor our Lifetime Guarantee as written, but we expect that you will be honorable as well in your dealings with us.
You can expect us to listen to complaints and suggestions as contributions to improving our business. We will honor your point of view even when we have a point of view of our own.
Help us help you. Check in if you have a question or concern. If we seem to be running late on a promise, we would appreciate a call from you. Ask for what you want. We'll do it if it's in our power to do so.